Ability Scores: Standard Fantasy, 15 point buy. You can use this handy calculator to input your racial adjustments and spend your points.
Hit Points: Maximum for 1st level.
Races: You can choose any of the Core Rulebook races: dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc or human (Taldan or otherwise); or the following featured in the Advanced Race Guide: aasimar, catfolk, changeling, dhampir, gnoll, goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, orc, ratfolk, and tiefling.
Classes: You can choose any of the Core Rulebook classes: barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard; any of the Advanced Player's Guide classes: alchemist, cavalier, inquisitor, oracle, summoner, witch; any of the Advanced Class Guide classes: arcanist, bloodrager, brawler, hunter, investigator, shaman, skald, slayer, swashbuckler, warpriest; the magus from Ultimate Magic or gunslinger from Ultimate Combat. No ninjas or samurais. You can also use any of the class 'archetypes' available in these source books.
Favored Class Bonuses: Feel free to use any options from any of the books from which you can select a class or race.
Prestige Classes: Again, you can choose anything from the books listed above, or anything specific to the Inner Sea setting, like the Lion Blades of Taldor. Please avoid options from far off settings like the Dragon Kingdoms, etc.
Traits: Two traits, no flaws. You can choose these also from any of the books from which you could select a class or race.
Alignment: Though the Skeleton Farm might occasionally associate with informants or clients of an evil bent, agents of such alignments are not admitted. So choose anything non-evil.
Starting Wealth: Average per class, unless you take the 'Rich Parents' trait which starts you off with 900 gold even.
Experience Points: We will be using the 'medium' track for XP distribution, in place of the attendance system I use in the Udders Well campaign.
New Characters: Start at one level below the party average (minimum of 1st), with adjusted wealth appropriate to the 'Character Wealth by Level' table located midway down this page.
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